conference was really good with all the talks. although us missionaries dont like the sound of the prophet telling everyone to get married to our girlfriends we know its all about the plan that we have to soon acomplish. what an awesome plan we have take a second and think about it. thanks for the letters everyone who sent them they were great!(MINDY) really was cool!
but we were having bad reception through our satalite. guess who they came to to solve the problem? ME ha ha funny. the stake president was upset that we lost signal. so i told him find a lap top and use the internet?? wow thats so so hard! ha funny though. i have a feeling that this wont be the last time in the mission that i will be behind a computer helping someone out.
along with this week i have made some good friends. from utah. ha so many elders from there. i really have enjoyed my time out here. and looking forward to what this week brings me!
the mission is going good. i have had a fun time teaching my latino comp new games! what games?? SLUG BUG and PT Cruser bruiser! ha ha he enjoys them! also this week it rained really hard. so hard that our house got water inside... sucked but i didnt mind it really. really was funny. i was to tired to care! well that was my general confrence week! really enjoyed the talks and the leessons that week can learn from our loving prophet Thomas S. Monson! really a great guy!
well i love you all hope you enjoy the pictures!
Elder Crockett
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